Library Must.ACCSInstance

Require Import Coq.Program.Equality Coq.Strings.String.

From stdpp Require Import base countable finite gmap list gmultiset strings.
From Must Require Import TransitionSystems Must Completeness.

Definition name := string.
Definition name_eq_dec : (x y : name), { x = y } + { x y } := string_dec.

#[global] Instance name_eqdecision : EqDecision name. by exact name_eq_dec. Defined.
#[global] Instance name_countable' : Countable name. by exact string_countable. Defined.

Inductive proc : Type :=
| pr_output : name proc
| pr_par : proc proc proc
| pr_var : nat proc
| pr_rec : nat proc proc
| g : gproc proc

with gproc : Type :=
| gpr_success : gproc
| gpr_nil : gproc
| gpr_input : name proc gproc
| gpr_tau : proc gproc
| gpr_choice : gproc gproc gproc

Notation pr_success := (g gpr_success).
Notation pr_nil := (g gpr_nil).
Notation pr_input a p := (g (gpr_input a p)).
Notation pr_tau p := (g (gpr_tau p)).
Notation pr_choice p q := (g (gpr_choice p q)).

Infix "&" := pr_par (at level 50).
Infix "⊕" := pr_choice (at level 50).
Notation "! a" := (pr_output a) (at level 20).

Fixpoint proc_dec (x y : proc) : { x = y } + { x y }
with gproc_dec (x y : gproc) : { x = y } + { x y }.
  decide equality; destruct (decide (n = n0)); eauto.
  decide equality; destruct (decide (n = n0)); eauto.

#[global] Instance proc_eq_decision_instance : EqDecision proc.
Proof. by exact proc_dec. Defined.

Fixpoint size (p : proc) :=
  match p with
  | pr_output _ ⇒ 1
  | pr_par p qS (size p + size q)
  | pr_var _ ⇒ 1
  | pr_rec x pS (size p)
  | g pgsize p

with gsize p :=
  match p with
  | gpr_success ⇒ 1
  | gpr_nil ⇒ 0
  | gpr_input a pS (size p)
  | gpr_tau pS (size p)
  | gpr_choice p qS (gsize p + gsize q)

Fixpoint pr_subst id p q :=
  match p with
  | pr_output _p
  | pr_par p1 p2pr_par (pr_subst id p1 q) (pr_subst id p2 q)
  | pr_var id'if decide (id = id') then q else p
  | pr_rec id' p'
    if decide (id = id') then p else pr_rec id' (pr_subst id p' q)
  | g gpg (gpr_subst id gp q)

with gpr_subst id p q {struct p} := match p with
| gpr_successp
| gpr_nilp
| gpr_input a p
    gpr_input a (pr_subst id p q)
| gpr_tau p
    gpr_tau (pr_subst id p q)
| gpr_choice p1 p2
    gpr_choice (gpr_subst id p1 q) (gpr_subst id p2 q)

Inductive lts : proc Act name proc Prop :=
| lts_input : {a t},
    lts (pr_input a t) (ActExt (ActIn a)) t
| lts_output : {a},
    lts (pr_output a) (ActExt (ActOut a)) pr_nil
| lts_tau : {t},
    lts (pr_tau t) τ t
| lts_com : {μ p1 p2 q1 q2},
    lts p1 (ActExt μ) p2
    lts q1 (ActExt (co μ)) q2
    lts (pr_par p1 q1) τ (pr_par p2 q2)
| lts_parL : {α p1 p2 q},
    lts p1 α p2
    lts (pr_par p1 q) α (pr_par p2 q)
| lts_parR : {α p q1 q2},
    lts q1 α q2
    lts (pr_par p q1) α (pr_par p q2)
| lts_choiceL : {p1 p2 q α},
    lts (g p1) α q
    lts (pr_choice p1 p2) α q
| lts_choiceR : {p1 p2 q α},
    lts (g p2) α q
    lts (pr_choice p1 p2) α q
| lts_rec : {x p},
    lts (pr_rec x p) τ (pr_subst x p (pr_rec x p))

#[global] Hint Constructors lts:ccs.

Definition stable p := ¬ q, lts p τ q.

Lemma guarded_does_no_output p a q : ¬ lts (g p) (ActExt $ ActOut a) q.
Proof. intros l. dependent induction l; eapply IHl; eauto. Defined.

Fixpoint moutputs_of p : gmultiset name :=
  match p with
  | g _ | pr_rec _ _ |pr_var _
  | pr_output a{[+ a +]}
  | pr_par p1 p2moutputs_of p1 moutputs_of p2

Definition outputs_of p := dom (moutputs_of p).

Lemma mo_spec_l e a :
  a moutputs_of e {e' | lts e (ActExt $ ActOut a) e' moutputs_of e' = moutputs_of e {[+ a +]}}.
  intros mem.
  dependent induction e.
  + pr_nil.
    assert (a = n). multiset_solver. subst.
    repeat split; eauto with ccs. multiset_solver.
  + cbn in mem.
    destruct (decide (a moutputs_of e1)).
    destruct (IHe1 a e) as (e1' & lts__e1 & eq).
     (pr_par e1' e2). repeat split; eauto with ccs.
    destruct (decide (a moutputs_of e2)).
    destruct (IHe2 a e) as (e2' & lts__e2 & eq).
     (pr_par e1 e2'). repeat split; eauto with ccs.
    contradict mem. intro mem. multiset_solver.
    + exfalso. multiset_solver.
    + exfalso. multiset_solver.
    + exfalso. multiset_solver.

Lemma mo_spec_r e a :
  {e' | lts e (ActExt $ ActOut a) e' moutputs_of e' = moutputs_of e {[+ a +]}} a moutputs_of e.
  dependent induction e; intros (e' & l & mem).
  + inversion l; subst. set_solver.
  + cbn.
    inversion l; subst.
    eapply gmultiset_elem_of_disj_union. left.
    eapply IHe1. p2. split.
    eassumption. cbn in mem. multiset_solver.
    eapply gmultiset_elem_of_disj_union. right.
    eapply IHe2. q2. split.
    eassumption. cbn in mem. multiset_solver.
  + inversion l.
  + inversion l.
  + now eapply guarded_does_no_output in l.

Lemma outputs_of_spec1 p a : a outputs_of p {q | lts p (ActExt (ActOut a)) q}.
  intros mem.
  eapply gmultiset_elem_of_dom in mem.
  eapply mo_spec_l in mem.

Lemma outputs_of_spec2 p a : {q | lts p (ActExt (ActOut a)) q} a outputs_of p.
  intros (p' & lts__p).
  dependent induction p.
  + eapply gmultiset_elem_of_dom.
    cbn. inversion lts__p; subst. multiset_solver.
  + inversion lts__p; subst.
    ++ eapply IHp1 in H3.
       eapply gmultiset_elem_of_dom.
       eapply gmultiset_elem_of_disj_union. left.
       now eapply gmultiset_elem_of_dom.
    ++ eapply IHp2 in H3.
       eapply gmultiset_elem_of_dom.
       eapply gmultiset_elem_of_disj_union. right.
       now eapply gmultiset_elem_of_dom.
  + inversion lts__p.
  + inversion lts__p.
  + now eapply guarded_does_no_output in lts__p.

#[global] Program Instance CCS_Name_label : Label name := MkLabel _ _ _.

Fixpoint encode_proc (p: proc) : gen_tree (nat + (name + name)) :=
  match p with
  | pr_output aGenLeaf (inr $ inl $ a)
  | pr_par p qGenNode 0 [encode_proc p; encode_proc q]
  | g gpGenNode 1 [encode_gproc gp]
  | pr_var xGenNode 2 [GenLeaf $ inl x]
  | pr_rec x qGenNode 3 [GenLeaf $ inl x; encode_proc q]
encode_gproc (gp: gproc) : gen_tree (nat + (name + name)) :=
  match gp with
  | gpr_successGenNode 0 []
  | gpr_nilGenNode 1 []
  | gpr_input a pGenNode 2 [GenLeaf (inr $ inr a); encode_proc p]
  | gpr_tau qGenNode 3 [encode_proc q]
  | gpr_choice gp gqGenNode 4 [encode_gproc gp; encode_gproc gq]
Fixpoint decode_proc (t: gen_tree (nat + (name + name))) : proc :=
  match t with
  | GenLeaf (inr ( inl a)) ⇒ pr_output a
  | GenNode 0 [ep; eq]pr_par (decode_proc ep) (decode_proc eq)
  | GenNode 1 [egp]g $ decode_gproc egp
  | GenNode 2 [GenLeaf (inl x)]pr_var x
  | GenNode 3 [GenLeaf (inl x); egq]pr_rec x (decode_proc egq)
  | _g gpr_success
decode_gproc (t: gen_tree (nat + (name + name))): gproc :=
  match t with
  | GenNode 0 []gpr_success
  | GenNode 1 []gpr_nil
  | GenNode 2 [GenLeaf (inr (inr a)); ep]gpr_input a (decode_proc ep)
  | GenNode 3 [eq]gpr_tau (decode_proc eq)
  | GenNode 4 [egp; egq]gpr_choice (decode_gproc egp) (decode_gproc egq)
  | _gpr_success

Require Import ssreflect.

Lemma encode_decide_procs p : decode_proc (encode_proc p) = p
with encode_decide_gprocs p : decode_gproc (encode_gproc p) = p.
Proof. all: case p =>//= *; f_equal=>//. Qed.

#[global] Instance proc_countable: Countable proc.
  refine (inj_countable' encode_proc decode_proc _).
  apply encode_decide_procs.

Lemma gset_nempty_ex (g : gset proc) : g {p | p g}.
  intro n. destruct (elements g) eqn:eq.
  + destruct n. eapply elements_empty_iff in eq. set_solver.
  + p. eapply elem_of_elements. rewrite eq. set_solver.

Definition name_eqb a b :=
  match name_eq_dec a b with
  | left eqtrue
  | right neqfalse

Lemma name_eqb_spec0 a b : name_eqb a b = true a = b.
Proof. unfold name_eqb. split; destruct (name_eq_dec a b); eauto. inversion 1. Qed.

Lemma name_eqb_spec1 a b : name_eqb a b = false a b.
Proof. unfold name_eqb. split; destruct (name_eq_dec a b); eauto. contradiction. Qed.

Fixpoint lts_set_output p a : gset proc :=
  match p with
  | g _ | pr_var _ | pr_rec _ _
  | pr_output bif name_eqb a b then {[ pr_nil ]} else
  | pr_par p1 p2
      let ps1 := lts_set_output p1 a in
      let ps2 := lts_set_output p2 a in
      list_to_set (map (fun pp & p2) (elements ps1)) list_to_set (map (fun pp1 & p) (elements ps2))

Fixpoint lts_set_input_g g a : gset proc :=
  match g with
  | gpr_input b pif name_eqb a b then {[ p ]} else
  | gpr_choice g1 g2lts_set_input_g g1 a lts_set_input_g g2 a
  | gpr_nil | gpr_success | gpr_tau _

Fixpoint lts_set_input p a : gset proc :=
  match p with
  | g gplts_set_input_g gp a
  | pr_rec _ _ | pr_output _ | pr_var _
  | pr_par p1 p2
      let ps1 := lts_set_input p1 a in
      let ps2 := lts_set_input p2 a in
      list_to_set (map (fun pp & p2) (elements ps1)) list_to_set (map (fun pp1 & p) (elements ps2))

Fixpoint lts_set_tau_g gp : gset proc :=
  match gp with
  | gpr_nil | gpr_input _ _ | gpr_success
  | gpr_tau p{[ p ]}
  | gpr_choice gp1 gp2lts_set_tau_g gp1 lts_set_tau_g gp2

Fixpoint lts_set_tau p : gset proc :=
  match p with
  | g gplts_set_tau_g gp
  | pr_var _ | pr_output _
  | pr_rec x p{[ pr_subst x p (pr_rec x p) ]}
  | pr_par p1 p2
      let ps1_tau : gset proc := list_to_set (map (fun pp & p2) (elements $ lts_set_tau p1)) in
      let ps2_tau : gset proc := list_to_set (map (fun pp1 & p) (elements $ lts_set_tau p2)) in
      let ps_tau := ps1_tau ps2_tau in
      let acts1 := outputs_of p1 in
      let acts2 := outputs_of p2 in
      let ps1 :=
        flat_map (fun a
                      (fun '(p1 , p2)p1 & p2)
                      (list_prod (elements $ lts_set_output p1 a) (elements $ lts_set_input p2 a)))
        (elements $ outputs_of p1) in
      let ps2 :=
          (fun a
               (fun '(p1 , p2)p1 & p2)
               (list_prod (elements $ lts_set_input p1 a) (elements $ lts_set_output p2 a)))
          (elements $ outputs_of p2)
      ps_tau list_to_set ps1 list_to_set ps2

Lemma lts_set_output_spec0 p a q : q lts_set_output p a lts p (ActExt $ ActOut a) q.
  intro mem.
  dependent induction p; simpl in mem; try now inversion mem.
  - case (name_eq_dec a n) in mem.
    + rewrite e. eapply name_eqb_spec0 in e. rewrite e in mem.
      replace q with pr_nil by multiset_solver. eauto with ccs.
    + eapply name_eqb_spec1 in n0. rewrite n0 in mem. inversion mem.
  - eapply elem_of_union in mem as [mem | mem];
      eapply elem_of_list_to_set, elem_of_list_fmap in mem as (q' & eq & mem); subst;
      rewrite elem_of_elements in mem; eauto with ccs.

Lemma lts_set_output_spec1 p a q : lts p (ActExt $ ActOut a) q q lts_set_output p a.
  intro l. dependent induction l; try set_solver.
  simpl. case name_eqb eqn:eq. set_solver. eapply name_eqb_spec1 in eq. contradiction.

Lemma lts_set_input_spec0 p a q : q lts_set_input p a lts p (ActExt $ ActIn a) q.
  intro mem.
  dependent induction p; simpl in mem; try set_solver.
  + eapply elem_of_union in mem. destruct mem.
    ++ eapply elem_of_list_to_set in H.
       eapply elem_of_list_fmap in H as (q' & eq & mem). subst.
       rewrite elem_of_elements in mem. eauto with ccs.
    ++ eapply elem_of_list_to_set in H.
       eapply elem_of_list_fmap in H as (q' & eq & mem). subst.
       rewrite elem_of_elements in mem. eauto with ccs.
  + dependent induction g0; simpl in mem; try set_solver.
      ++ destruct (name_eq_dec a n).
         +++ subst. case name_eqb in mem.
             ++++ eapply elem_of_singleton_1 in mem. subst. eauto with ccs.
             ++++ inversion mem.
         +++ eapply name_eqb_spec1 in n0. rewrite n0 in mem. inversion mem.
      ++ eapply elem_of_union in mem. destruct mem; eauto with ccs.

Lemma lts_set_input_spec1 p a q : lts p (ActExt $ ActIn a) q q lts_set_input p a.
  intro l. dependent induction l; try set_solver.
  simpl. case name_eqb eqn:eq. set_solver. eapply name_eqb_spec1 in eq. contradiction.

Lemma lts_set_tau_spec0 p q : q lts_set_tau p lts p τ q.
  - intro mem.
    dependent induction p; simpl in mem.
    + set_solver.
    + eapply elem_of_union in mem. destruct mem as [mem1 | mem2].
      ++ eapply elem_of_union in mem1.
         destruct mem1.
         eapply elem_of_union in H as [mem1 | mem2].
         eapply elem_of_list_to_set, elem_of_list_fmap in mem1 as (t & eq & h); subst.
         rewrite elem_of_elements in h. eauto with ccs.
         eapply elem_of_list_to_set, elem_of_list_fmap in mem2 as (t & eq & h); subst.
         rewrite elem_of_elements in h. eauto with ccs.
         eapply elem_of_list_to_set, elem_of_list_In, in_flat_map in H as (t & eq & h); subst.
         eapply elem_of_list_In, elem_of_list_fmap in h as ((t1 & t2) & eq' & h'). subst.
         eapply elem_of_list_In, in_prod_iff in h' as (mem1 & mem2).
         eapply elem_of_list_In in mem1. rewrite elem_of_elements in mem1.
         eapply elem_of_list_In in mem2. rewrite elem_of_elements in mem2.
         eapply lts_set_output_spec0 in mem1.
         eapply lts_set_input_spec0 in mem2. eauto with ccs.
      ++ eapply elem_of_list_to_set, elem_of_list_In, in_flat_map in mem2 as (t & eq & h); subst.
         eapply elem_of_list_In, elem_of_list_fmap in h as ((t1 & t2) & eq' & h'). subst.
         eapply elem_of_list_In, in_prod_iff in h' as (mem1 & mem2).
         eapply elem_of_list_In in mem1. rewrite elem_of_elements in mem1.
         eapply elem_of_list_In in mem2. rewrite elem_of_elements in mem2.
         eapply lts_set_input_spec0 in mem1.
         eapply lts_set_output_spec0 in mem2. eauto with ccs.
    + inversion mem.
    + eapply elem_of_singleton_1 in mem. subst; eauto with ccs.
    + dependent induction g0; simpl in mem; try set_solver;
        try eapply elem_of_singleton_1 in mem; subst; eauto with ccs.
      eapply elem_of_union in mem as [mem1 | mem2]; eauto with ccs.

Lemma lts_set_tau_spec1 p q : lts p τ q q lts_set_tau p.
  intro l. dependent induction l; simpl; try set_solver.
  destruct μ.
  - eapply elem_of_union. right.
    eapply elem_of_list_to_set.
    rewrite elem_of_list_In in_flat_map.
     a. split.
    + eapply elem_of_list_In, elem_of_elements.
      eapply outputs_of_spec2. eauto.
    + eapply elem_of_list_In, elem_of_list_fmap.
       (p2 , q2). split.
      ++ reflexivity.
      ++ eapply elem_of_list_In, in_prod_iff; split; eapply elem_of_list_In, elem_of_elements.
         eapply lts_set_input_spec1; eauto with ccs.
         eapply lts_set_output_spec1; eauto with ccs.
  - eapply elem_of_union. left.
    eapply elem_of_union. right.
    eapply elem_of_list_to_set.
    rewrite elem_of_list_In in_flat_map.
     a. split.
    + eapply elem_of_list_In, elem_of_elements.
      eapply outputs_of_spec2. eauto.
    + eapply elem_of_list_In, elem_of_list_fmap.
       (p2 , q2). split.
      ++ reflexivity.
      ++ eapply elem_of_list_In, in_prod_iff; split; eapply elem_of_list_In, elem_of_elements.
         eapply lts_set_output_spec1; eauto with ccs.
         eapply lts_set_input_spec1; eauto with ccs.

Definition lts_set (p : proc) (α : Act name): gset proc :=
  match α with
  | τlts_set_tau p
  | ActExt (ActIn a) ⇒ lts_set_input p a
  | ActExt (ActOut a) ⇒ lts_set_output p a

Lemma lts_set_spec0 p α q : q lts_set p α lts p α q.
  destruct α as [[a|a]|].
  - now eapply lts_set_input_spec0.
  - now eapply lts_set_output_spec0.
  - now eapply lts_set_tau_spec0.

Lemma lts_set_spec1 p α q : lts p α q q lts_set p α.
  destruct α as [[a|a]|].
  - now eapply lts_set_input_spec1.
  - now eapply lts_set_output_spec1.
  - now eapply lts_set_tau_spec1.

Definition proc_stable p α := lts_set p α = .

Lemma lts_dec p α q : { lts p α q } + { ¬ lts p α q }.
  destruct (decide (q lts_set p α)).
  - eapply lts_set_spec0 in e. eauto.
  - right. intro l. now eapply lts_set_spec1 in l.

Lemma proc_stable_dec p α : Decision (proc_stable p α).
Proof. destruct (decide (lts_set p α = )); [ left | right ]; eauto. Qed.

#[global] Program Instance CCS_lts : Lts proc name := {|
    lts_step x y := lts x y;
    lts_stable p := proc_stable p;
    lts_outputs := outputs_of;
Next Obligation. apply lts_dec. Qed.
Next Obligation.
  move⇒ /= ????. apply outputs_of_spec2. eauto.
Next Obligation.
  intros. simpl. now eapply outputs_of_spec1 in H.
Next Obligation. exact (proc_stable_dec). Qed.
Next Obligation.
  intros p [[a|a]|]; intro hs; eapply gset_nempty_ex in hs as (r & l); r; now eapply lts_set_spec0.
Next Obligation.
  intros p [[a|a]|]; intros (q & mem); intro eq; eapply lts_set_spec1 in mem; set_solver.

#[global] Instance CCS_finite : FiniteLts proc name.
  constructor; [apply _|]. intros p . unfold dsig.
  destruct as [[a|a]|].
  - eapply (in_list_finite (elements (lts_set_input p a))).
    intros q Htrans%bool_decide_unpack.
    now eapply elem_of_elements, lts_set_input_spec1.
  - eapply (in_list_finite (elements (lts_set_output p a))).
    intros q Htrans%bool_decide_unpack.
    now eapply elem_of_elements, lts_set_output_spec1.
  - eapply (in_list_finite (elements (lts_set_tau p))).
    intros q Htrans%bool_decide_unpack.
    now eapply elem_of_elements, lts_set_tau_spec1.

Require Import Relations.

Inductive cgr_step : proc proc Prop :=
| cgr_refl : p, cgr_step p p
| cgr_par : p q r t,
    cgr_step p q
    cgr_step r t
    cgr_step (pr_par p r) (pr_par q t)
| cgr_par_nil : p,
    cgr_step (pr_par p pr_nil) p
| cgr_par_nil_rev : p,
    cgr_step p (pr_par p pr_nil)
| cgr_par_com : p q,
    cgr_step (pr_par p q) (pr_par q p)
| cgr_par_ass : p q r,
    cgr_step (pr_par (pr_par p q) r) (pr_par p (pr_par q r))
| cgr_par_ass_rev : p q r,
    cgr_step (pr_par p (pr_par q r)) (pr_par (pr_par p q) r)
| cgr_rec : x p q,
    cgr_step p q cgr_step (pr_rec x p) (pr_rec x q)
| cgr_tau : p q,
    cgr_step p q
    cgr_step (pr_tau p) (pr_tau q)
| cgr_input : a p q,
    cgr_step p q
    cgr_step (pr_input a p) (pr_input a q)
| cgr_choice : p1 q1 p2 q2,
    cgr_step (g p1) (g q1) cgr_step (g p2) (g q2)
    cgr_step (pr_choice p1 p2) (pr_choice q1 q2)
| cgr_choice_nil : p,
    cgr_step (pr_choice p gpr_nil) (g p)
| cgr_choice_nil_rev : p,
    cgr_step (g p) (pr_choice p gpr_nil)
| cgr_choice_com : p q,
    cgr_step (pr_choice p q) (pr_choice q p)
| cgr_choice_ass : p q r,
      (pr_choice (gpr_choice p q) r)
      (pr_choice p (gpr_choice q r))
| cgr_choice_ass_rev : p q r,
      (pr_choice p (gpr_choice q r))
      (pr_choice (gpr_choice p q) r)

#[global] Hint Constructors cgr_step:ccs.

Infix "≡" := cgr_step (at level 70).

Definition cgr := (clos_trans proc cgr_step).

Infix "≡*" := cgr (at level 70).

#[global] Instance cgr_step_refl : Reflexive cgr_step.
Proof. eauto with ccs. Qed.

#[global] Instance cgr_step_symm : Symmetric cgr_step.
Proof. intros p q hcgr. induction hcgr; eauto with ccs. Qed.

#[global] Instance cgr_symm : Symmetric cgr.
Proof. intros p q hcgr. induction hcgr. constructor. now apply cgr_step_symm. eapply t_trans; eauto. Qed.

#[global] Instance cgr_trans : Transitive cgr.
Proof. intros p q r hcgr1 hcgr2. eapply t_trans; eauto. Qed.

#[global] Hint Resolve cgr_step_refl cgr_step_symm cgr_trans:ccs.

#[global] Instance cgr_is_eq_rel : Equivalence cgr.
Proof. repeat split.
       + now constructor; eauto with ccs.
       + eapply cgr_symm.
       + eapply cgr_trans.

Require Import Coq.Wellfounded.Inverse_Image.

Lemma cgr_step_subst1 (p : proc) : q q' x, q q' pr_subst x p q pr_subst x p q'.
  induction p as (p & Hp) using
    (well_founded_induction (wf_inverse_image _ nat _ size Nat.lt_wf_0)).
  destruct p; subst; simpl; intros; eauto with ccs.
  - eapply cgr_par; eapply Hp; simpl; [lia | eassumption | lia | eassumption].
  - destruct (decide (x = n)); subst; simpl; eauto with ccs.
  - destruct (decide (x = n)); subst; simpl; eauto with ccs.
  - destruct g0; subst; simpl; eauto with ccs.
    eapply cgr_choice.
    set (h := Hp (g g0_1) ltac:(simpl; lia) q q' x H). eauto.
    set (h := Hp (g g0_2) ltac:(simpl; lia) q q' x H). eauto.

Lemma cgr_subst1 p q q' x : q ≡* q' pr_subst x p q ≡* pr_subst x p q'.
Proof. intros hcgr. induction hcgr. constructor. now eapply cgr_step_subst1. eauto with ccs. Qed.

Lemma cgr_step_subst2 : p p' q x, p p' pr_subst x p q pr_subst x p' q.
  induction p as (p & Hp) using
    (well_founded_induction (wf_inverse_image _ nat _ size Nat.lt_wf_0)).
  intros p' q n hcgr. inversion hcgr; subst; simpl; eauto with ccs.
  - eapply cgr_par; eapply Hp; simpl; [lia | eassumption | lia | eassumption].
  - destruct (decide (n = x)); subst; eauto with ccs.
  - eapply cgr_choice.
    set (h := Hp (g p1) ltac:(simpl; lia) (g q1) q n H). eauto.
    set (h := Hp (g p2) ltac:(simpl; lia) (g q2) q n H0). eauto.

Lemma cgr_subst2 q p p' x : p ≡* p' pr_subst x p q ≡* pr_subst x p' q.
Proof. intros hcgr. induction hcgr. constructor. now eapply cgr_step_subst2. eauto with ccs. Qed.

Lemma cgr_subst p q x : p q pr_subst x p (pr_rec x p) ≡* pr_subst x q (pr_rec x q).
  intro heq.
  eapply cgr_subst2. constructor. eassumption.
  eapply cgr_subst1. constructor. now eapply cgr_rec.

#[global] Hint Resolve cgr_is_eq_rel: ccs.
#[global] Hint Constructors clos_trans:ccs.
#[global] Hint Unfold cgr:ccs.

Lemma cgr_par_left p1 p2 q : p1 ≡* p2 p1 & q ≡* p2 & q.
Proof. induction 1; eauto with ccs. Qed.

Lemma cgr_par_right p q1 q2 : q1 ≡* q2 p & q1 ≡* p & q2.
Proof. induction 1; eauto with ccs. Qed.

Lemma harmony_cgr : p q α, ( r, p ≡* r lts r α q) ( r, lts p α r r ≡* q).
  intros p q α (p' & hcgr & l).
  revert q α l.
  dependent induction hcgr.
  - dependent induction H.
    + eauto with ccs.
    + intros u α l. dependent induction l.
      ++ destruct (IHcgr_step1 _ _ l1) as (? & ? & ?); eauto with ccs.
         destruct (IHcgr_step2 _ _ l2) as (? & ? & ?); eauto with ccs.
          (x & x0). split. eauto with ccs.
         etrans. eapply cgr_par_left. eassumption.
         etrans. eapply cgr_par_right. eassumption.
      ++ destruct (IHcgr_step1 _ _ l) as (? & ? & ?); eauto with ccs.
          (x & r). split. eauto with ccs.
         etrans. eapply cgr_par_left. eassumption.
         eapply cgr_par_right. now constructor.
      ++ destruct (IHcgr_step2 _ _ l) as (? & ? & ?); eauto with ccs.
          (p & x). split. eauto with ccs.
         etrans. eapply cgr_par_right. eassumption.
         eapply cgr_par_left. now constructor.
    + intros q α l. eexists. eauto with ccs.
    + intros q α l. inversion l; subst.
      inversion H4. eexists. eauto with ccs. inversion H3.
    + intros t α l. dependent induction l.
      ++ eexists. split; [eapply lts_com|]; eauto with ccs. now rewrite co_involution.
      ++ (p & p2). eauto with ccs.
      ++ (q2 & q). eauto with ccs.
    + intros t α l. dependent induction l.
      ++ dependent induction l2; eexists; split; eauto with ccs.
      ++ eexists. split; eauto with ccs.
      ++ dependent induction l; eexists; split; eauto with ccs.
    + intros t α l. dependent induction l.
      ++ dependent induction l1; eexists; split; eauto with ccs.
      ++ dependent induction l; eexists; split; eauto with ccs.
      ++ eexists. split; eauto with ccs.
    + intros t α l. inversion l; subst.
       (pr_subst x p (pr_rec x p)). split. eauto with ccs. now eapply cgr_subst.
    + intros t α l. inversion l; subst; eexists; split; eauto with ccs.
    + intros t α l. inversion l; subst; eexists; split; eauto with ccs.
    + intros t α l. dependent induction l.
      ++ destruct (IHcgr_step1 _ _ l) as (? & ? & ?); eauto with ccs.
      ++ destruct (IHcgr_step2 _ _ l) as (? & ? & ?); eauto with ccs.
    + intros t α l. inversion l; subst; eexists; split; eauto with ccs.
    + intros t α l. inversion l; subst. eexists; split; eauto with ccs. inversion H3.
    + intros t α l. dependent induction l; inversion l; subst; eexists; eauto with ccs.
    + intros t α l. inversion l; subst.
      ++ t. split; eauto with ccs.
      ++ inversion H3; subst; t; split; eauto with ccs.
    + intros t α l. inversion l; subst.
      ++ inversion H3; subst; t; split; eauto with ccs.
      ++ t. split; eauto with ccs.
  - intros t α l.
    eapply IHhcgr2 in l as (r & l3 & hcgr3).
    eapply IHhcgr1 in l3 as (u & l4 & hcgr4).
    eauto with ccs.

#[global] Program Instance CCS_EqLTS : LtsEq proc name :=
    eq_rel p q := cgr p q;
    eq_symm p q := cgr_symm p q;
    eq_trans p q r := cgr_trans p q r;
    eq_spec p q α := harmony_cgr p q α;
Next Obligation. reflexivity. Qed.

Lemma output_shape p q a :
  lts p (ActExt $ ActOut a) q pr_par (pr_output a) q ≡* p.
  intros l.
  dependent induction l.
  + eauto with ccs.
  + eapply t_trans.
    constructor. eapply cgr_par_ass_rev.
    eapply cgr_par_left. eauto.
  + transitivity (! a & (q2 & p)). eauto with ccs.
    transitivity ((! a & q2) & p). eauto with ccs.
    symmetry. etrans. constructor. eapply cgr_par_com.
    symmetry. eapply cgr_par_left. eauto with ccs.
  + edestruct guarded_does_no_output; eauto.
  + edestruct guarded_does_no_output; eauto.

Definition lts_eq p α q := r, lts p α r cgr r q.

Lemma aux0 (p q r : proc) (a : name) (α : Act name) :
  lts p (ActExt (ActOut a)) q lts q α r
  ( t, lts p α t lts_eq t (ActExt (ActOut a)) r).
  intros l1 l2.
  eapply output_shape in l1.
  edestruct (harmony_cgr p (!a & r) α) as (t & l3 & l4).
   (! a & q). split. now symmetry. eapply lts_parR. eassumption.
   t. split. eassumption.
  edestruct (harmony_cgr t (pr_nil & r) (ActExt (ActOut a))) as (u & l5 & l6).
   (!a & r). split. eassumption. eapply lts_parL, lts_output.
   u. split; eauto with ccs.
  etrans; eauto with ccs.

Lemma aux1 (p q1 q2 : proc) (a : name) (μ : ExtAct name) :
  μ ActOut a
  lts p (ActExt $ ActOut a) q1
  lts p (ActExt μ) q2
   r : proc, lts q1 (ActExt μ) r lts_eq q2 (ActExt $ ActOut a) r.
  eapply output_shape in H0.
  edestruct (harmony_cgr (!a & q1) q2 (ActExt μ)) as (t & l3 & l4). eauto.
  inversion l3; subst.
  inversion H6. subst. now destruct H.
   q3. split. eassumption.
  edestruct (harmony_cgr q2 (pr_nil & q3) (ActExt $ ActOut a)) as (r & l5 & l6).
   (!a & q3). split. symmetry. eassumption. eapply lts_parL, lts_output.
   r. split. eassumption. etrans; eauto with ccs.

Lemma aux2 (p q1 q2 : proc) (a : name) :
  lts p (ActExt $ ActOut a) q1 lts p τ q2
  ( t : proc, lts q1 τ t lts_eq q2 (ActExt $ ActOut a) t) lts_eq q1 (ActExt $ ActIn a) q2.
  intros l1 l2.
  eapply output_shape in l1.
  edestruct (harmony_cgr (!a & q1) q2 τ) as (t & l & heq). eauto with ccs.
  dependent induction l.
  - inversion l0; subst. right.
     q0. split. eassumption.
    etrans. constructor. eapply cgr_par_nil_rev.
    etrans. constructor. eapply cgr_par_com. eassumption.
  - inversion l.
  - left. q0. split. eassumption.
    edestruct (harmony_cgr q2 (pr_nil & q0) (ActExt $ ActOut a)) as (t' & l' & heq').
     (!a & q0). split. now symmetry. eapply lts_parL. eapply lts_output.
     t'. split; eauto with ccs.
    symmetry. etrans. constructor. eapply cgr_par_nil_rev.
    etrans. constructor. eapply cgr_par_com.
    now symmetry.

Lemma aux3 p1 p2 p3 a : lts p1 (ActExt $ ActOut a) p2 lts p1 (ActExt $ ActOut a) p3 p2 ≡* p3.
  intros l1 l2. revert p3 l2.
  dependent induction l1; intros.
  - inversion l2; subst. eauto with ccs.
  - inversion l2; subst.
    + eapply IHl1 in H3; eauto with ccs. now eapply cgr_par_left.
    + eapply output_shape in H3. eapply output_shape in l1.
      etrans. eapply cgr_par_right. symmetry. eapply H3.
      etrans. eapply cgr_par_left. symmetry. eapply l1.
      etrans. constructor. eapply cgr_par. eapply cgr_par_com. reflexivity.
      eauto with ccs.
  - inversion l2; subst.
    + eapply output_shape in H3. eapply output_shape in l1.
      etrans. eapply cgr_par_left. symmetry. eapply H3.
      symmetry. etrans. eapply cgr_par_right. symmetry. eapply l1.
      etrans. constructor. eapply cgr_par_ass_rev. eauto with ccs.
    + eapply IHl1 in H3; eauto with ccs. now eapply cgr_par_right.
  - exfalso. eapply guarded_does_no_output. eassumption.
  - exfalso. eapply guarded_does_no_output. eassumption.

Lemma eq_spec_inv p1 p2 q1 q2 a :
  lts p1 (ActExt $ ActOut a) q1 lts p2 (ActExt $ ActOut a) q2 q1 ≡* q2 p1 ≡* p2.
  intros l1 l2 heq. eapply output_shape in l1. eapply output_shape in l2.
  etrans. symmetry. eassumption.
  symmetry. etrans. symmetry. eassumption.
  eapply cgr_par_right. now symmetry.

Lemma mo_equiv_spec_step : {p q}, p q moutputs_of p = moutputs_of q.
Proof. intros. dependent induction H; multiset_solver. Qed.

Lemma mo_equiv_spec : {p q}, p ≡* q moutputs_of p = moutputs_of q.
  intros p q hcgr.
  induction hcgr. now eapply mo_equiv_spec_step.
  etrans; eauto.

Lemma mo_spec p a q : p ⟶[ActOut a] q moutputs_of p = {[+ a +]} moutputs_of q.
  intros l. eapply output_shape, mo_equiv_spec in l. simpl in l. eauto.

#[global] Program Instance CCS_ltsOba : LtsOba proc name :=
  {| lts_oba_mo p := moutputs_of p |}.
Next Obligation.
  intros. simpl. unfold outputs_of.
  now rewrite gmultiset_elem_of_dom.
Next Obligation.
  intros. simpl. unfold outputs_of.
  now eapply mo_spec.
Next Obligation. eapply aux0. Qed.
Next Obligation. eapply aux1. Qed.
Next Obligation. eapply aux2. Qed.
Next Obligation. eapply aux3. Qed.
Next Obligation. exact (eq_spec_inv). Qed.

#[global] Program Instance ACCS_ltsObaFB : @LtsObaFB proc name _ CCS_lts CCS_EqLTS CCS_ltsOba.
Next Obligation.
  intros p1 p2 p3 a l1 l2.
  eapply output_shape in l1.
  edestruct (harmony_cgr p1 (pr_nil & p3) τ) as (t & l & heq).
   (!a & p2). split. now symmetry.
  eapply lts_com. eapply lts_output. simpl in l2. eapply l2.
   t. split. eassumption.
  etrans. eassumption.
  etrans. constructor. eapply cgr_par_com.
  symmetry. etrans. constructor. eapply cgr_par_nil_rev. reflexivity.

Inductive good : proc Prop :=
| good_success : good pr_success
| good_par : p q, good p good q good (pr_par p q)
| good_choice : p q, good (g p) good (g q) good (pr_choice p q).

#[global] Hint Constructors good:ccs.

#[global] Instance good_decidable e : Decision $ good e.
  dependent induction e; try (now right; inversion 1).
  - destruct IHe1; destruct IHe2; try (now left; eauto with ccs).
    right. inversion 1; naive_solver.
  - dependent induction g0; try (now right; inversion 1); try (now left; eauto with ccs).
    destruct IHg0_1; destruct IHg0_2; try (now left; eauto with ccs).
    right. inversion 1; naive_solver.

Lemma good_preserved_by_cgr_step p q : good p p q good q.
  intros hg hcgr.
  dependent induction hcgr;
    try (inversion hg; subst; destruct H0);
    try (inversion H; subst; destruct H1);
    eauto with ccs.

Lemma good_preserved_by_cgr p q : good p p ≡* q good q.
  intros hg hcgr.
  dependent induction hcgr; [eapply good_preserved_by_cgr_step|]; eauto.

Lemma good_preserved_by_output p q a : good p lts p (ActExt $ ActOut a) q good q.
  intros hhp hl.
  eapply output_shape in hl.
  eapply (good_preserved_by_cgr p (!a & q)) in hhp; eauto with ccs.
  inversion hhp; subst. destruct H0; eauto with ccs. inversion H.
  now symmetry.

Lemma good_preserved_by_lts_output_converse p q a : lts p (ActExt $ ActOut a) q good q good p.
  intros hl hhq.
  eapply output_shape in hl.
  eapply good_preserved_by_cgr.
  eapply good_par. right.
  eauto with ccs. eauto with ccs.

#[global] Program Instance CCS_Good : @Good proc name good CCS_Name_label CCS_lts CCS_EqLTS.
Next Obligation. intros. eapply good_preserved_by_cgr; eassumption. Qed.
Next Obligation. intros. eapply good_preserved_by_output; eassumption. Qed.
Next Obligation. intros. eapply good_preserved_by_lts_output_converse; eassumption. Qed.

Fixpoint gen_test s p :=
  match s with
  | []p
  | ActIn a :: s'! a & gen_test s' p
  | ActOut a :: s'gpr_input a (gen_test s' p) gpr_tau pr_success

Lemma gen_test_lts_mu μ s p :
  lts_eq (gen_test (μ :: s) p) (ActExt (co μ)) (gen_test s p).
Proof. intros. destruct μ; simpl; eexists; split; eauto with ccs. Qed.

Lemma gen_test_gen_spec_out_lts_tau_ex s p :
  ( q, lts p τ q) e, lts (gen_test s p) τ e.
  intros hq. induction s.
  + eauto with ccs.
  + destruct a; subst; simpl; [destruct IHs|]; eexists; eauto with ccs.

Lemma gen_test_gen_spec_out_lts_tau_ex_inst a s p :
   e', lts (gen_test (ActOut a :: s) p) τ e'.
Proof. simpl. eauto with ccs. Qed.

Lemma gen_test_ungood_if p : ¬ good p s, ¬ good (gen_test s p).
  intros nhp s nhg.
  induction s as [|μ s']; simpl in ×.
  - contradiction.
  - destruct μ.
    + inversion nhg; subst. destruct H0. inversion H. contradiction.
    + inversion nhg; subst. destruct H0; inversion H.

Lemma gen_test_gen_spec_out_lts_tau_good a s e p :
  lts (gen_test (ActOut a :: s) p) τ e good e.
  inversion 1; subst; inversion H4; subst; eauto with ccs.

Lemma gen_test_gen_spec_out_lts_mu_uniq e a μ s p :
  lts (gen_test (ActOut a :: s) p) (ActExt $ μ) e e = gen_test s p μ = ActIn a.
  intros. inversion H; subst; inversion H4; subst; eauto.

Definition gen_conv s := gen_test s (pr_tau pr_success).

#[global] Program Instance gen_conv_gen_test_inst : gen_spec gen_conv.
Next Obligation.
  intros. eapply gen_test_ungood_if; try eassumption. inversion 1.
Next Obligation.
  intros. eapply gen_test_lts_mu.
Next Obligation.
  intros. eapply gen_test_gen_spec_out_lts_tau_ex_inst.
Next Obligation.
  intros. eapply gen_test_gen_spec_out_lts_tau_good. eassumption.
Next Obligation.
  intros. eapply gen_test_gen_spec_out_lts_mu_uniq. eassumption.

#[global] Program Instance gen_conv_gen_spec_conv_inst : gen_spec_conv gen_conv.
Next Obligation.
  intros [a|a]; simpl; unfold proc_stable; cbn; eauto.
Next Obligation. cbn. eauto with ccs. Qed.
Next Obligation. intros e l. cbn in l. inversion l; subst; simpl; eauto with ccs. Qed.

Fixpoint unroll_fw (xs : list name) : proc :=
  match xs with
  | []pr_nil
  | x :: xs'pr_input x pr_success & unroll_fw xs'

Definition gen_acc (g : gset name) s := gen_test s (unroll_fw (elements g)).

Lemma unroll_a_eq_perm (xs ys : list name) : xs ≡ₚ ys unroll_fw xs ≡* unroll_fw ys.
  intro hperm. dependent induction hperm; simpl; eauto with ccs.
  - eapply cgr_par_right; eauto with ccs.
  - transitivity ((pr_input y pr_success & pr_input x pr_success) & unroll_fw l).
    eauto with ccs.
    transitivity ((pr_input x pr_success & pr_input y pr_success) & unroll_fw l).
    eauto with ccs. eauto with ccs.

#[global] Program Instance gen_acc_gen_test_inst g : gen_spec (fun sgen_acc g s).
Next Obligation.
  intros g s hh. eapply gen_test_ungood_if; try eassumption.
  intro hh0. induction (elements g).
  - cbn in hh0. inversion hh0.
  - inversion hh0; subst. destruct H0.
    + inversion H.
    + contradiction.
Next Obligation.
  intros. eapply gen_test_lts_mu.
Next Obligation.
  intros. eapply gen_test_gen_spec_out_lts_tau_ex_inst.
Next Obligation.
  intros. eapply gen_test_gen_spec_out_lts_tau_good. simpl in H. eassumption.
Next Obligation.
  intros. eapply gen_test_gen_spec_out_lts_mu_uniq. eassumption.

Lemma gen_acc_does_not_output : g t a, ¬ lts (unroll_fw g) (ActExt $ ActOut a) t.
  intros g.
  induction g as [| b g'].
  - cbn. intros t a R. inversion R.
  - cbn. intros t a R. inversion R; subst.
    + inversion H3.
    + eapply IHg', H3.

Lemma gen_acc_does_not_tau : g t, ¬ lts (unroll_fw g) τ t.
  intros g.
  induction g as [| b g'].
  - cbn. intros t R. inversion R.
  - cbn. intros t R.
    inversion R; subst.
    + inversion H1; subst. cbn in H2.
      eapply gen_acc_does_not_output. eassumption.
    + inversion H3.
    + eapply IHg'. eassumption.

Lemma gen_acc_gen_spec_acc_nil_mem_lts_inp g a : a g r, lts (gen_acc g []) (ActExt $ ActIn a) r.
  remember g. revert g0 Heqg0.
  induction g using set_ind_L; intros g0 Heqg0 mem.
  - subst. inversion mem.
  - assert (hn : {[x]} ## X) by set_solver.
    destruct (decide (x = a)).
    + subst.
      set (h := elements_disj_union {[a]} X hn).
      cbn. assert ( t, lts (unroll_fw (a :: elements X)) (ActExt $ ActIn a) t).
      simpl. eauto with ccs.
      destruct H0 as (r & hl).
        (@eq_spec proc name CCS_Name_label CCS_lts CCS_EqLTS
           (unroll_fw (elements ({[a]} X))) r (ActExt $ ActIn a)) as (t & hlt & heqt).
       (unroll_fw (a :: elements X)).
      split. eapply unroll_a_eq_perm.
      replace (elements {[a]}) with [a] in h. eauto.
      now rewrite elements_singleton.
      simpl in ×. eapply hl. eauto.
    + assert (mem' : a X) by set_solver.
      edestruct (IHg X eq_refl mem') as (r & hlr); eauto.
        (@eq_spec proc name CCS_Name_label CCS_lts CCS_EqLTS
           (unroll_fw (elements ({[x]} X)))
           (pr_par (pr_input x pr_success) r) (ActExt $ ActIn a)) as (t & hlt & heqt).
       (unroll_fw (x :: elements X)).
      split. eapply unroll_a_eq_perm.
      set (h := elements_disj_union {[x]} X hn).
      replace (elements {[x]}) with [x] in h. eauto.
      now rewrite elements_singleton.
      simpl in ×. eauto with ccs. subst. eauto.

#[global] Program Instance gen_acc_gen_spec_acc_inst : gen_spec_acc gen_acc.
Next Obligation.
  intros g. simpl. unfold proc_stable. cbn.
  remember (lts_set_tau (unroll_fw (elements g))) as ps.
  destruct ps using set_ind_L; eauto.
  assert (mem : x lts_set_tau (unroll_fw (elements g))) by set_solver.
  eapply lts_set_tau_spec0 in mem.
  now eapply gen_acc_does_not_tau in mem.
Next Obligation.
  intros g a. simpl. unfold proc_stable. cbn.
  remember (lts_set_output (unroll_fw (elements g)) a) as ps.
  destruct ps using set_ind_L; eauto.
  assert (mem : x lts_set_output (unroll_fw (elements g)) a) by set_solver.
  eapply lts_set_output_spec0 in mem.
  now eapply gen_acc_does_not_output in mem.
Next Obligation.
  intros g.
  induction g using set_ind_L; intros.
  - inversion H.
  - edestruct
      (@eq_spec proc name CCS_Name_label CCS_lts CCS_EqLTS
         (unroll_fw (x :: elements X)) e (ActExt (ActIn a))) as (t & hlt & heqt).
    ++ (gen_acc ({[x]} X) []).
       +++ eapply unroll_a_eq_perm.
           assert (hn : {[x]} ## X) by set_solver.
           set (h := elements_disj_union {[x]} X hn).
           replace (elements {[x]}) with [x] in h. symmetry. eauto.
           now rewrite elements_singleton.
       +++ eassumption.
    ++ cbn in hlt. inversion hlt; subst.
       +++ inversion H5; subst. set_solver.
       +++ set_solver.
Next Obligation.
  intros. eapply gen_acc_gen_spec_acc_nil_mem_lts_inp; eauto.
Next Obligation.
  intros a e' g. revert a e'.
  induction g using set_ind_L; intros a e' hl.
  - inversion hl.
  - edestruct
      (@eq_spec proc name CCS_Name_label CCS_lts CCS_EqLTS
         (unroll_fw (x :: elements X)) e' (ActExt a)) as (t & hlt & heqt).
    ++ (gen_acc ({[x]} X) []).
       split; eauto.
       eapply unroll_a_eq_perm.
       assert (hn : {[x]} ## X) by set_solver.
       set (h := elements_disj_union {[x]} X hn).
       replace (elements {[x]}) with [x] in h
           by now rewrite elements_singleton.
       symmetry. eauto.
    ++ simpl in hlt. inversion hlt; subst.
       +++ inversion H4; subst.
           eapply good_preserved_by_cgr; try eassumption. eauto with ccs.
       +++ eapply good_preserved_by_cgr; try eassumption. eauto with ccs.

From Must Require Import Equivalence.

Corollary bhv_iff_ctx_ACCS (p q : proc) : p q p q .
  intros hm%pre_extensional_eq. now eapply equivalence_bhv_acc_ctx.
  intros hm. now eapply pre_extensional_eq, equivalence_bhv_acc_ctx.