Library Must.Bar

Require ssreflect.
Require Import Coq.Unicode.Utf8.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
From Must Require Import TransitionSystems.

From stdpp Require Import base countable gmap list.

Require Coq.Logic.ClassicalEpsilon.

CoInductive infinite_stream A: Type :=
   | S_Step : A infinite_stream A infinite_stream A.

Fixpoint take {A} n (π : infinite_stream A) :=
  match n with
  | 0 ⇒ []
  | S nmatch π with S_Step _ a π' ⇒ a :: take n π' end

Definition inf_first {A} (π: infinite_stream A) := match π with S_Step _ x _x end.
Definition inf_tail {A} (π: infinite_stream A) := match π with S_Step _ _ π ⇒ π end.

Section actual_bar_induction.
  Variable P: list positive Prop.
  Variable Q: list positive Prop.

  CoInductive C (p: list positive) :=
  | CONS (a: positive) (ρ: C (p ++ [a])) (Hnot: ¬ P (p)): C p.

  CoFixpoint C_to_stream p (ρ: C p) : infinite_stream positive :=
    match ρ with
    | CONS _ a ρ' HnotS_Step _ a (C_to_stream _ ρ')

  Lemma C_counterexample p (ρ : C p):
     n, ¬ P (p ++ take n (C_to_stream _ ρ)).
    intros n. revert n p ρ. induction n. { intros. simpl. destruct ρ. by list_simplifier. }
    intros. simpl. destruct ρ as [a ρ ?]. specialize (IHn _ ρ). by list_simplifier.

  Variable P_is_decidable: p, P p ¬ P p.
  Variable eventually_P: π, n, P (take n π).
  Variable P_implies_Q: p, P p Q p.
  Variable Q_hereditary: p, ( a, Q (p ++ [a])) Q p.

  Lemma contrapositive (A B: Prop): (A B) (¬ B) ¬ A.
  Proof. intros Hh Hn Ha. apply Hn, Hh. exact Ha. Qed.

  Lemma not_exists p: ¬ Q p a, ¬ Q (p ++ [a]).
    Import ClassicalEpsilon.
    intros Hn.
    pose proof (Q_hereditary p) as Hh.
    apply contrapositive in Hh; last assumption.
    apply not_all_ex_not in Hh.
    exact Hh.

  Definition not_exists_set p: ¬ Q p { a | ¬ Q (p ++ [a]) } := λ Hn,
    exist _ _ (epsilon_spec (inhabits xH) _ (not_exists _ Hn)).

  Lemma nP_implies_nQ : p, (¬ Q p) (¬ P p).
  Proof. intros p. apply contrapositive. apply P_implies_Q. Qed.

  CoFixpoint build_path p (Hn: ¬ Q p) : C p :=
    let ce := not_exists_set _ Hn in
    let here := nP_implies_nQ _ Hn in
    let ρ := build_path (p ++ [(`ce)]) (proj2_sig ce) in
    CONS p (`ce) ρ here.

  Theorem actual_bar_induction: Q [].
  Proof using eventually_P Q_hereditary P_is_decidable P_implies_Q P.
    Import ClassicalEpsilon.
    destruct (excluded_middle_informative (Q [])) as [|Hn]; first assumption. exfalso.
    apply build_path in Hn as ρ.
    destruct (eventually_P (C_to_stream _ ρ)).
    eapply (C_counterexample []). by list_simplifier.
End actual_bar_induction.

Class SurCountable A := {
    surdecode: positive A;
    surjectivity: a, n, surdecode n = a;

Class CompleteCountableSts `(Sts A) := {
    ccsts_states_surcountable: SurCountable A;
    ccsts_next_states_surcountable: x, SurCountable (dsig (fun ysts_step x y));
#[global] Existing Instance ccsts_states_surcountable.
#[global] Existing Instance ccsts_next_states_surcountable.

Section sts_bar_induction.
  Context `{CompleteCountableSts A}.

  CoFixpoint decode_choice_seq_from x0 (π: infinite_stream positive):
    iexec_from x0 :=
    let x := (ccsts_next_states_surcountable x0).(surdecode) (inf_first π) in
    let η := decode_choice_seq_from (`x) (inf_tail π) in
    IExStep x0 (`x) (proj2_dsig x) η.
  Definition decode_choice_seq π : iexec :=
    let x := ccsts_states_surcountable.(surdecode) (inf_first π) in
    let η := decode_choice_seq_from x (inf_tail π) in
    MkExec x η.

  Fixpoint decode_fin_choice_seq_from x0 (p: list positive):
    finexec_from x0 :=
    match p with
    | n::p'
        let x := (ccsts_next_states_surcountable x0).(surdecode) n in
        let t := decode_fin_choice_seq_from (`x) p' in
        FExStep x0 (`x) (bool_decide_pack _ $ proj2_dsig x) t
    | []FExSingl x0
  Definition decode_fin_choice_seq p : finexec :=
    match p with
    | []FinExNil
    | n::p'
        let x := ccsts_states_surcountable.(surdecode) n in
        let η := decode_fin_choice_seq_from x p' in
        FinExNonNil x η

  Lemma take_from_decode_commutes n x π:
    iex_take_from n (decode_choice_seq_from x π) =
      decode_fin_choice_seq_from x (take n π).
    revert π x; induction n; intros π x; [easy|].
    destruct π; simpl. f_equal. by rewrite IHn.
  Lemma take_decode_commutes n π:
    iex_take n (decode_choice_seq π) = decode_fin_choice_seq (take n π).
  Proof. destruct n; [easy|destruct π; simpl; f_equal; apply take_from_decode_commutes]. Qed.

  Lemma decode_from_snoc_surjective_helper (x: A) s a p' n Hstep:
    iex_snoc_from x (decode_fin_choice_seq_from x s) a = Some p'
    (ccsts_next_states_surcountable (fex_from_last (decode_fin_choice_seq_from x s))).(surdecode) n =
      dexist (fex_from_last p') Hstep
    decode_fin_choice_seq_from x (s ++ [n]) = p'.
    revert x p' Hstep n a. induction s as [|m s IHs]; intros x p' Hstep n a.
    - simpl. destruct (decide (sts_step x a)); [|easy]. injection 1. intros ? Hdec. subst.
      simpl in Hdec. rewrite Hdec. simpl. f_equal.
      assert (ProofIrrel $ bool_decide (sts_step x a)) by apply _. naive_solver.
    - simpl. match goal with
      | |- context[iex_snoc_from ?a ?b ?c] ⇒
            destruct (iex_snoc_from a b c) as [q|] eqn:Hsnoc; [|easy]
      intros ?. simplify_eq. simpl. intros Hdec. f_equal.
      destruct (iex_snoc_step _ _ _ _ Hsnoc) as [Hlast Hstep'].
      apply (IHs _ _ Hstep' _ a); [easy|].
      rewrite Hdec. unfold dexist. f_equal.
      assert (ProofIrrel $ bool_decide (sts_step x a)) by apply _.
      match goal with
      | |- context[bool_decide_pack ?step _] ⇒
          assert (ProofIrrel $ bool_decide step) by apply _; naive_solver

  Lemma decode_from_snoc_surjective x s a η:
    iex_snoc_from x (decode_fin_choice_seq_from x s) a = Some η
     n', decode_fin_choice_seq_from x (s ++ [n']) = η.
    revert x a η; case s as [|n s]; intros x a η; simpl.
    - destruct (decide (sts_step x a)) as [Hstep |]; [|easy].
      injection 1; intros ?; subst.
      destruct (((ccsts_next_states_surcountable x)).(surjectivity) (dexist _ Hstep)) as [n1 Hn1].
       n1. rewrite Hn1. f_equal.
      assert (ProofIrrel $ bool_decide (sts_step x a)) by apply _. naive_solver.
    - match goal with
      | |- context[iex_snoc_from ?a ?b ?c] ⇒
            destruct (iex_snoc_from a b c) as [p'|] eqn:Hsnoc; [|easy]
      intros ?. simplify_eq.

      destruct (iex_snoc_step _ _ _ _ Hsnoc) as [Hlast Hstep].

      pose (decode_fin_choice_seq_from x (n::s)) as p.

      destruct (((ccsts_next_states_surcountable (fex_from_last p))).(surjectivity) (dexist _ Hstep)) as [n1 Hn1].
       n1. f_equal. eapply decode_from_snoc_surjective_helper; eauto.

  Lemma decode_snoc_surjective s a p:
    iex_snoc (decode_fin_choice_seq s) a = Some p
     n', decode_fin_choice_seq (s ++ [n']) = p.
    destruct s as [|n s']; simpl.
    - intros ?. destruct (ccsts_states_surcountable.(surjectivity) a) as [x Hx].
       x. simpl. rewrite Hx. congruence.
    - destruct (iex_snoc_from (surdecode n) (decode_fin_choice_seq_from (surdecode n) s') a) as [η|] eqn:Heq; [|easy].
      injection 1. intros Hp. subst.
      destruct (decode_from_snoc_surjective _ _ _ _ Heq) as [n' ?]. n'. by subst.

  Variable P: finexec Prop.
  Variable Q: finexec Prop.

  Variable P_is_decidable: p, P p ¬ P p.
  Variable eventually_P: π, n, P (iex_take n π).
  Variable P_implies_Q: p, P p Q p.
  Variable Q_wf: p, ( a p', iex_snoc p a = Some p' Q p') Q p.

  Local Definition Q' (p: list positive) := Q (decode_fin_choice_seq p).
  Local Definition P' (p: list positive) := P (decode_fin_choice_seq p).

  Theorem bar_induction: Q FinExNil.
    cut (Q' []); try easy.
    eapply (actual_bar_induction P' Q').
    - intros p. apply P_is_decidable.
    - intros π. pose proof (eventually_P (decode_choice_seq π)) as [n ?].
       n. unfold P'. by rewrite <-take_decode_commutes.
    - intros p. unfold P', Q'. auto.
    - intros s Hher. apply Q_wf. intros a p' Hp.
      destruct (decode_snoc_surjective s a p') as [n']; eauto.
      specialize (Hher n') as HQ'. unfold Q' in HQ'. by subst.
End sts_bar_induction.

Section stss.
  Instance surcountable_countable A `{EqDecision A} :
    Inhabited A Countable A SurCountable A.
    intros Hinh Hcount. refine {| surdecode n := match decode n with
                                              | Some xx
                                              | Noneinhabitant
                                              end |}.
    intros x. destruct (@decode A _ _ $ @encode A _ _ x) as [a|] eqn:Heq.
    - (encode a). rewrite decode_encode in ×. congruence.
    - rewrite decode_encode in ×. congruence.

  Inductive add_sink A :=
  | Orig (a: A)
  | Sink.
  #[global] Arguments Orig {_}.
  #[global] Arguments Sink {_}.

  Instance add_sink_inhabited A : Inhabited (add_sink A) := {| inhabitant := Sink |}.

  #[global] Instance add_sink_eqdec A:
    EqDecision A EqDecision (add_sink A).
  Proof. solve_decision. Qed.

  Inductive add_sink_step A `{Sts A}: add_sink A add_sink A Prop :=
  | StepOrig a b: sts_step a b add_sink_step A (Orig a) (Orig b)
  | StepSinkSink : add_sink_step A Sink Sink
  | StepStableSink a: (sts_stable a) add_sink_step A (Orig a) Sink

  Lemma add_sink_orig_step `{Sts A} {x x'}:
    add_sink_step _ (Orig x) (Orig x') sts_step x x'.
  Proof. by inversion 1. Qed.

  Lemma add_sink_step_sink `{Sts A} {x}:
    add_sink_step _ (Orig x) Sink sts_stable x.
  Proof. by inversion 1. Qed.

  #[global] Instance add_sink_step_decision A `{Sts A}:
    RelDecision (add_sink_step A).
    intros x y. destruct x as [x|]; destruct y as [y|].
    - destruct (decide $ sts_step x y); [by left; constructor|right].
      intros contra. inversion contra. congruence.
    - destruct (decide (sts_stable x)); [by left; constructor|right].
      intros contra. inversion contra. congruence.
    - right; intros contra. inversion contra.
    - left; constructor.

  Definition add_sink_stable A `{Sts A} (x: add_sink A) := False.

  #[global] Instance add_sink_stable_decision A `{Sts A}:
      x : add_sink A, Decision (add_sink_stable _ x).
  Proof. intros [x|]; apply _. Qed.

  #[global] Instance add_sink_sts A (X: Sts A):
    Sts (add_sink A).
    refine {|
        sts_step := add_sink_step A;
        sts_stable := add_sink_stable A;
    - intros [x|] _.
      + destruct (decide (sts_stable x)) as [|Hns].
        × refine (Sink _). by constructor.
        × destruct (sts_stable_spec1 _ Hns) as [y ?].
          refine (Orig y _). by constructor.
      + refine (Sink _). by constructor.
    - unfold add_sink_stable. tauto.

  Instance add_sink_step_inhabited `{Sts A}:
     x : add_sink A, Inhabited (dsig (λ y : add_sink A, sts_step x y)).
    intros [x|].
    - destruct (decide (sts_stable x)) as [|Hnstable].
      + refine (populate $ exist _ Sink _). apply bool_decide_spec. by constructor.
      + destruct (sts_stable_spec1 _ Hnstable) as [y ?].
        refine (populate $ exist _ (Orig y) _). apply bool_decide_spec. by constructor.
    - refine (populate $ exist _ Sink _). apply bool_decide_spec. constructor.

  Instance add_sink_state_countable `{CountableSts A}:
    Countable (add_sink A).
    pose (f (x: add_sink A) := match x with Orig xSome x | SinkNone end).
    pose (g (x: option A) := match x with Some xOrig x | NoneSink end).
    apply (inj_countable' f g). by intros [|].

  #[global] Instance add_sink_countable_sts (A: Type) `{sts: Sts A}:
    CountableSts A CompleteCountableSts (add_sink_sts A sts).
    intros Hc. constructor.
    - eapply surcountable_countable; by apply _.
    - intros x. eapply surcountable_countable; [apply _|].
      destruct x as [|]; apply countable_sig; intros ?; apply _.
End stss.

Class Bar A `{Sts A} := {
    bar_pred: A Prop;
    bar_decidable: x, Decision (bar_pred x);
#[global] Existing Instance bar_decidable.

#[global] Instance add_sink_bar A `{Bar A}: Bar (add_sink A).
  refine ({|
    bar_pred a := match a with Orig xbar_pred x | SinkFalse end;
  intros [|]; by apply _.

Section barred_sts.
  Definition extensional_pred `{Bar A} (a: A): Prop :=
     η: max_exec_from a, n p, mex_take_from n η = Some p bar_pred $ fex_from_last p.

  Definition infinite_extensional_pred `{Bar A} (a: A) `{Sts A} : Prop :=
     η: iexec_from a, n, bar_pred $ fex_from_last $ iex_take_from n η.

  CoFixpoint add_sink_Ω `{Sts A}: iexec_from (Sink : add_sink A) :=
    IExStep Sink Sink (StepSinkSink _) add_sink_Ω.

  CoFixpoint add_sink_max_to_iexec `{Sts A} {x: A} (η: max_exec_from x): iexec_from (Orig x) :=
    match η in max_exec_from a return iexec_from (Orig a) with
    | MExStop y HstableIExStep (Orig y) Sink (StepStableSink A y Hstable) add_sink_Ω
    | MExStep y x' Hstep ηIExStep (Orig y) (Orig x') (StepOrig A y x' Hstep) (add_sink_max_to_iexec η)

  CoFixpoint add_sink_iexec_to_max `{sts: Sts A} {x: A} (η: iexec_from (Orig x)): max_exec_from x.
    inversion η as [y y' Hstep η']. simplify_eq.
    destruct y'.
    - exact (MExStep _ _ (add_sink_orig_step Hstep) (add_sink_iexec_to_max _ _ _ η')).
    - exact (MExStop _ (add_sink_step_sink Hstep)).

  Lemma add_sink_iexec_to_max_last `{Sts A} (a: A) n (p: finexec_from a) η :
    mex_take_from n (add_sink_iexec_to_max η) = Some p
    fex_from_last (iex_take_from n η) = Orig (fex_from_last p).
    revert a p η; induction n as [|n IH]; intros a p η.
    - cbn. intros; by simplify_eq.
    - inversion η as [y y' Hstep η1]; simplify_eq. cbn.
      match goal with
      | [|- match ?km with __ end = _ _] ⇒ destruct km as [| T R E η'] eqn:Hkm; [done|]
      cbn; intros Heq.
      destruct (mex_take_from n η') as [p'|] eqn:Hmtf; [cbn in Heq; simplify_eq|done].
      dependent destruction η; simplify_eq. cbn.
      cbn in Hkm. destruct x'; try done. simplify_eq.
      by apply IH.

  Lemma add_sink_preserves_extensional_pred `{Bar A} (a: A):
    extensional_pred a infinite_extensional_pred (Orig a).
    intros Hexter η. unfold extensional_pred in Hexter.
    destruct (Hexter (add_sink_iexec_to_max η)) as (n & p & Heq & Hstable).
     n. by rewrite (add_sink_iexec_to_max_last _ _ _ _ Heq).

  Inductive complete_intensional_pred `{Bar A}: A Prop :=
  | CIntDone p: bar_pred p complete_intensional_pred p
  | CIntHer p: ( p', sts_step p p' complete_intensional_pred p') complete_intensional_pred p.

  Inductive intensional_pred `{Bar A}: A Prop :=
  | IntDone p: bar_pred p intensional_pred p
  | IntHer p: ¬(sts_stable p) ( p', sts_step p p' intensional_pred p') intensional_pred p.

  Lemma sink_no_hope `{Bar A}: ¬ complete_intensional_pred (@Sink A).
    intros Hp. dependent induction Hp. done.
    apply (H4 Sink ltac:(constructor) _ _ _ eq_refl); done.

  Lemma add_sink_preserves_intensional_pred `{Bar A} (a: A):
    complete_intensional_pred (Orig a) intensional_pred a.
    intros Hc.
    dependent induction Hc; [constructor 1; done|].

    destruct (decide (sts_stable a)) as [Hs|].
    { specialize (H3 _ (StepStableSink _ _ Hs)). by exfalso; apply sink_no_hope. }
    constructor 2; [done|]. intros p' Hstep. eapply H4; try done. by constructor.
End barred_sts.

Section bar_helper.
  Context `{Hsts: Sts A, @CompleteCountableSts A Hsts}.
  Context `{@Bar A Hsts}.

  Definition P start (p: finexec) :=
    match fex_cons start p with
    | NoneTrue
    | Some p'match fex_last p' with
                | NoneFalse
                | Some xbar_pred x
  Definition Q start (p: finexec) :=
      match fex_cons start p with
      | NoneTrue
      | Some p'match fex_last p' with
                  | NoneFalse
                  | Some xcomplete_intensional_pred x

  Proposition extensional_implies_intensional_helper x:
    infinite_extensional_pred x complete_intensional_pred x.
    intros Hconv.
    cut (Q x FinExNil).
    { by unfold Q. }
    apply (@bar_induction _ _ _ (P x) (Q x)).
    - intros q. unfold P. destruct (fex_cons x q); [|by auto].
      destruct (fex_last f) as [a|]; [|by right; auto]. destruct (bar_decidable a); eauto.
    - intros η. unfold P. destruct (decide (sts_step x (η.(iex_start)))) as [Hstep|Hstep];
        [| 1; simpl; by destruct (decide (sts_step x (iex_start η)))].
      destruct (Hconv (IExStep _ _ Hstep η.(iex))) as [n Hstable].
        n. destruct (fex_cons x (iex_take n η)) as [p'|] eqn:Hcons; [|easy].
        rewrite <- (iex_fex_take _ Hstep) in Hcons. injection Hcons. by intros <-.
    - intros q; unfold P, Q.
      destruct (fex_cons x q) as [q'|] eqn:Hcons; [|easy].
      destruct (fex_last q') as [y|]; [|easy].
      intros Hbar. by constructor 1.
    - intros p Hher. unfold Q.
      destruct (fex_cons x p) as [ex|] eqn:Hcons; [|easy].
      destruct (fex_last ex) as [y|] eqn:Hlast; [|].
      2: { destruct ex; [|easy]. destruct p as [|y]; [easy|]. simpl in Hcons.
           by destruct (decide (sts_step x y)). }
      constructor 2. intros z Hstep.
      destruct (fex_snoc_valid_last ex y z Hlast Hstep) as [t Hsnoc].
      destruct p as [|x' p'].
      + simpl in ×.
        specialize (Hher z (finex_singl z) ltac:(easy)). unfold Q in Hher.
        simplify_eq. simpl in Hlast. simplify_eq.
        simpl in Hher. destruct (decide (sts_step y z)); easy.
      + simpl in Hcons. destruct (decide (sts_step x x')) as [Hstep'|]; [|easy].
        simplify_eq. simpl in Hlast, Hsnoc. simplify_eq.
        destruct (iex_snoc_from x' p' z) eqn:Hsnoc'; [|easy]. simplify_eq.
        specialize (Hher z (FinExNonNil _ f)).
        simpl in Hher; rewrite Hsnoc' in Hher. specialize (Hher ltac:(eauto)).
        unfold Q in Hher. simpl in Hher. destruct (decide (sts_step x x')); [|easy].
        by destruct (iex_snoc_step _ _ _ z Hsnoc') as [<- ?].
End bar_helper.

Section bar_int_ext.
  Context `{Hsts: Sts A, @CountableSts A Hsts}.
  Context `{@Bar A Hsts}.

  Theorem intensional_implies_extensional x:
     intensional_pred x extensional_pred x.
    induction 1 as [p | p Hns Hint IH].
    - intros η. by 0, (FExSingl p).
    - intros η. destruct η as [| p q Hq]; first done.
      destruct (IH _ Hq η) as (n&ζ&Heq&?).
       (S n), (FExStep p q ltac:(eauto) ζ). split; last naive_solver.
      by simpl; rewrite Heq.

  Theorem extensional_implies_intensional x:
    extensional_pred x intensional_pred x.
    intros Hex%add_sink_preserves_extensional_pred.
    apply add_sink_preserves_intensional_pred.
    by apply extensional_implies_intensional_helper.
End bar_int_ext.